Good Luck Spell Clover Bouquet Candles


Ready to ship!

Five beaded white clover flowers, two shamrocks, and five tiny 4-leaf clovers adorn a green bayberry scented beeswax candle sourced from a local candle company! Look closely and you'll see a tiny pressed glass ladybug bead that, along with a little satin bow, secures the flowers to the candle!

Each candle comes complete with a hand-painted holder featuring some classic good luck symbols: A horseshoe, acorn, lucky #7, sprig of white heather flowers, wishbone, ladybug, and clover, and even a lucky penny inside of the holder for extra luck!

I have paired them all up in pre-selected color combos, but feel free to leave a note with your order if you would prefer to mix and match your favorite ribbon color with your favorite holder color! As long as the color hasn't been purchased yet, I am happy to swap them out!

Many more photos are up in my Instagram feed, but I can only display 5 here, so feel free to browse on instagram first before making your selection.

***Candles are for decorative purposes only! If you wish to burn your candle, please cut off the attached bouquet first as it is flammable!

Candles should always be burned only within your line of sight and away from anything flammable! Always make sure the wick is trimmed to 1/4" before lighting.